'Visions in Fantasy II' Wallpaper by ART-TLC ©
All wallpapers on this page are originals created with BRyce 4.0 by and copyright to ART-TLC ©. These are freeware wallpapers for personal use only.
Click onto size you prefer to download, and you will download a zip file that you can 'extract' content to a folder (using Winzip or similar program) on your pc, then use 'browse' in the Display Settings -> Background (in desktop properties) to find the new image.

800 x 600
1100 x800

800 x 600
1100 x800

800 x 600
1100 x800

800 x 600
1100 x800

800 x 600
1100 x800

800 x 600
1100 x800

800 x 600
1100 x800

800 x 600
1100 x800

800 x 600
1100 x800
These screensavers and wallpapers are Freeware but not Public Domain. You may to link to this page, but it is PROHIBITED to copy these files to your server or on a CD. All files are protected by copyright and can not be sold or redistributed in any form.

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